Перший рік навчання |
І семестр |
№ |
Назва дисципліни |
Короткий опис*** |
Кредити |
Викладач |
Робоча програма |
1 |
Advanced Microeconomics (Мікроекономіка 2) |
The course examines contemporary topics in microeconomics including consumer choice under certainty and uncertainty, theory of production and costs, firm behavior under perfect and imperfect competition, market coordination and functioning of resource markets, factors affecting efficiency of market and economy. It explores economic environments with asymmetric information, including auctions and screening. The course largely focused on individual decision making introducing the main principles general equilibrium and game theory. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to explain the strategic choices of individuals or organizations, analyze applied problems in market environment using the tools of modern microeconomic theory with an eye toward public policy development and application. |
5 |
Слухай С. В. |
Завантажити |
2 |
Mathematical Methods in Economics (Математичні методи в економічному аналізі) |
The aim of this course is to introduce students with the mathematical concepts and methods used to analyze consumer behaviors, producer behaviors and determination of price in various markets. It focuses on profound analysis of theoretical concepts, approaches, methods and mathematical models of economic processes, and examines application of mathematical techniques to economic theory. The course covers basic multivariate calculus (focusing on the tools used in economics), the notions of concavity and convexity, the theory of constrained optimization, and the theory of differential equations. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to solve constrained and unconstrained optimization problems involving functions of single and multiple variables, and apply mathematical tools and techniques to analyse economic issues and find solutions to complex economic problems. |
4 |
Ляшенко О. І. |
Завантажити |
3 |
Ukrainian for Foreigners* / Current Issues of Economics and Economic Policy** (Українська мова для іноземців* / Актуальні проблеми економіки та економічної політики**) |
The course offers an opportunity to improve knowledge and develop Ukrainian language skills as well as to get acquainted with Ukrainian culture, history and business environment. Learning Ukrainian will provide many practical and personal benefits, open new opportunities, enrich travel experience, and promote cultural exchange and understanding. The course allows student to practice speaking with a native speaker and receive feedback on their language skills to build confidence and challenge speaking in real-life situations. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to communicate more effectively with Ukrainians and understand the local culture. |
3 |
Звонко Г. О. |
Завантажити |
4 |
Welfare Economics (Економіка добробуту) |
The purpose of the course is to form a system of theoretical knowledge about the nature and main stages of the welfare economy, determining its place in the system of socio-economic relations, assessing the dynamics of living standards, studying the distribution and redistribution of income, opportunities to increase welfare and implement effective social protection and social security policies. This course introduces students to basic concepts in welfare economics to allow an understanding of important economic factors affecting the level of social welfare. It examines retirement pensions and their financing mechanisms, social assistance policy, its organisational aspects and main types of benefits. Special attention is paid to income inequality, poverty and social exclusion. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to interpret the motivations of public intervention through the theoretical framework of the welfare economics and apply concepts and theories to practical domestic and global policy debates. |
5 |
Пономаренко Н. В. |
Завантажити |
5 |
Modern Financial Markets (Сучасні фінансові ринки) |
The course introduces students with the role and influence of international financial system on national economies under globalization; basic elements of international financial system and aspects that contribute to financial crises and globalization; the policy measures that economists have suggested for addressing the economic and financial issues. Course offers a perspective on modern financial system by exploring the key financial instruments and institutions. It provides understanding of modern financial markets and organizations by examining where these institutions came from and how they evolved. The course become a rigorous and comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of modern finance and their applications to business challenges in valuation, investments, and corporate financial decisions under a unified framework. Upon completion of this course, students will be better prepared for the full diversity of financial innovations, shocks, and crises that they’ll face in the future. |
5 |
Погрібна Н. В. |
Завантажити |
6 |
New Political Economy (Нова політична економія) |
The course aims to provide a complete theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the general concepts and tools of the new political economy, which applies economic methods in analysis of political processes, and highlight the economic consequences of different political regimes. Course depicts mechanism of functioning and development of the national economy under general economic equilibrium, macroeconomic instability, macroeconomic dynamics and stabilization macroeconomic policy. It combines theory, methods, and insights derived from economics and political science and applies them to a range of topical substantive issues. The course introduces students to the use of microeconomic reasoning to understand political phenomena including rational choice theory, collective choice, collective action, and game theory. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand how economic and social factors influence political processes, elections, regime change, distribution and redistribution, and social spending. |
5 |
Лопух К. В. |
Завантажити |
7 |
Professional and Corporate Ethics (Професійна та корпоративна етика) |
The course provides students with a complete understanding of the wide range of issues of professional and corporate ethics, the methods of ethical opinions and applied research, the ability to use them in solving specific analytical and research tasks of moral conflicts in contemporary professional practice. It examines ethical reasoning as it applies to the complex world of business in a globalized world. The course develops frameworks for parsing ethical questions both internal and external to business organizations as they arise in a plural and diverse society. It covers ethical framing and ethical theories to examine dilemmas that arise at different stages and phases of business conduct including bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace, privacy protection and environmental responsibility. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to define sources of organizational ethical culture and deviant behavior, understand the fundamental ethical principles necessary to evaluate and analyze contemporary issues in business ethics. |
3 |
Красота О. В. |
Завантажити |
ІІ семестр |
№ |
Назва дисципліни |
Короткий опис |
Кредити |
Викладач |
Робоча програма |
1 |
Industrial Organization (Економіка галузевих ринків) |
The course provide an understanding of the functioning of industry markets, the state of competition and strategic interaction between firms, industrial policy and business decisions that firms make within the market, merger and acquisition processes, market entry barriers, pricing discrimination, product differentiation, competitive environment and state regulation of industry markets. The course aims to study industry structure and firm behavior and its implications in settings where the assumptions of perfect competition do not hold. It covers theoretical and empirical examinations of strategic firm interactions in oligopolistic markets, dominant firm behaviors, and entry deterrence by incumbents; pricing and marketing strategies firms may use to increase profits, and the design of marketplaces. The course will be a balance between theoretical tools and empirical evidence using extensively real world examples to draw the relevant links between theory and practice applications. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to analyze and evaluate models of strategic interactions in competitive, oligopolistic, and monopoly markets. |
5 |
Куліш В. А. |
Завантажити |
2 |
Advanced Macroeconomics (Макроекономіка 2) |
The course introduces advanced concepts and key tools that are central to a profound understanding of macroeconomic issues, ranging from short-term economic fluctuations to long-term growth. The emphasis of the course will be on dynamic models which are at the center of modern macroeconomics. The main focus in this course will be on analysis of time series fluctuations in the major macroeconomic variables. It examines economic models that describe consumption and investment decisions by households and firms, and evaluate their empirical performance at business cycle frequency. Students will be provided with a sound theoretical basis to understand the causes and consequences of the recurrent fluctuations in aggregate economic activity around the long-run trend that characterize developed economies, focusing on two of the most important business cycle indicators, output and employment. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to apply modern technical tools to perform the advanced macroeconomic analysis and realistically assess the effectiveness of various public policy measures. |
5 |
Селезньова Р. В. |
Завантажити |
3 |
Methodology and Organization of Economic and Political Research (Методологія та організація політико-економічних наукових досліджень) |
The course examines the philosophy and methodology of research in economic and political sciences and demonstrate how specialization and integration of different methodologies works across social sciences and beyond. It helps to understand main methods of qualitative and quantitative research and learn about challenges associated with their application. The course covers a range of topics, starting from the formulation of research topics and research questions, the development of theory and empirically testable hypotheses, the design of data collection activities, and basic data analysis techniques. It addresses a variety of approaches to empirical research including experimental and quasi-experimental designs, survey research, focus groups, comparative/historical comparisons. As a result, topics covered in the course span all areas of economic and political sciences including economic decision-making, political behavior, institutions and public administration. Upon conclusion of the course, student will be able to apply most common methodologies and research methods, designs methodological frameworks for research projects in political science and economics. |
3 |
Лозова Г. М. |
Завантажити |
4 |
Taxation Policy (Податкова політика) |
The course provides an understanding of the economics of taxation including analysis of the evolution and structure of the tax system from a public policy perspective with a focus on legal, economic, social, and practical considerations. It relies on combination of theoretical and applied economic tools in analyses of various issues of tax policy to bridge the gap between theory and applied cases. The course involves mastering the techniques and methods of tax calculation aimed at making the most effective management decisions on tax issues in both public finance and corporate management. The objective of this course is to give students a grounding in the tools of tax policy analysis. It is essentially an applied problem-oriented course that concentrates on evaluating the utility of various policy tools and solving typical tax problems. The course offers strategies for the effective formulation and implementation of tax policies and presents background enabling students to understand the context under which tax policy is established. Students will be provided with a sound theoretical basis to guide decision-making and to assist in creating workable solutions for their jurisdictions. Upon conclusion of the course, the student will be able to identify and analyze political, economic, and budget considerations relating to current tax policy. |
4 |
Мєдвєдкова Н. С. |
Завантажити |
Дисципліни вільного вибору студента |
5 |
Intellectual Property Policy Making (Розробка політики в сфері інтелектуальної власності) (Блок 1) |
The course is devoted to the study of the nature, features, contradictions, methods and modern tools for the development and implementation of economic policy in the field of intellectual property at the national and enterprise levels. Functions, structure of the intellectual capital and its role in development of innovative activity under post-industrial transformations are studied. The institutional foundations and principles of implementation of the policy of protection and registration of intellectual property rights at the international and national levels are analyzed. The conceptual framework of intellectual security of the enterprise in the global economic environment is studied. The course provides studying in practice of the modern tools of the enterprise policy in the field of intellectual property commercialization including patent swap, sale and license-back, securitization of intellectual assets etc. |
5 |
Вірченко В. В. |
Завантажити |
6 |
Innovations and Change Processes (Інновації та процеси змін) (Блок 1) |
The course examines the role of innovation in the management of organisations as well as the nature and processes of organisational change. It focuses on technological, administrative, and process innovation as well as on contemporary techniques and procedures used to understand, initiate, plan, and implement change. The course is shaped by concerns over the need to combine consistent structures for predictable and efficient operations with flexibility and timely adaptability in order to respond to shifts in the environment. It adopts a critical perspective and uses a multi-disciplinary framework, drawing on multiple areas as they contribute to the theory and practice of innovation and change. The course brings together theory, contemporary empirical and conceptual research, and a solid understanding of organizational practice. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify activators and inhibitors to creativity and innovation in teams and organizations, and analyse the core areas of technology innovation and understand the internal and external environments that foster innovation and strategic change. |
5 |
Дрозд Н. В. |
Завантажити |
7 |
Institutions and Public Policy (Інституції та державна політика) (Блок 2) |
The course examines the relationship between institutions and the policy process. It considers the genesis, design, and evolution of political institutions, how political institutions address market failures and shape economic development, and the role of economic institutions as either mediating factors or determinants of public policy outcomes. The course also provides a comparative perspective on political institutions and policy. It helps to understand foundations of public policy theory, components of
policymaking in relation to government functions, the issues surrounding policy implementation, as well as the purpose and function of policy evaluation. The course provides knowledge of the rules and dynamics underneath the functioning of legal and political institutions and developing the critical tools to analyze and evaluate legislative and governmental actions. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to explain how institutions and actors affect the development and implementation of public policy and critically argue perspectives on policy issues using evidence and relevant public policy concepts. |
4 |
Лопух К. В. |
Завантажити |
8 |
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models (Динамічні стохастичні моделі загальної рівноваги) (Блок 2) |
The course deals with building, using, and interpreting Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models and techniques that policy makers commonly use in analyzing monetary and fiscal issues. It discusses the advantages and limitations of the models when they are used for policy analysis and advice. The course relies on case studies to illustrate the application of these models, and to show how they can be used as an input in the policymaking process. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to describe the models and techniques (computation and estimation) that policy makers use in analyzing monetary, fiscal, and structural issues, identify the advantages and limitations of the models when used for policy analysis and advice. It aims to deepen your understanding of modern tools used in the analysis of macroeconomic processes and policies. The primary focus of the course is the analysis, solution, calibration, estimation, and extension of DSGE models. |
4 |
Баженова О. В. |
Завантажити |
9 |
Statistic Methods in Political Economy (Статистичні методи в політичній економії) (Блок 3) |
The course provide an understanding of fundamental statistical concepts and fields of application of statistical techniques in analysis of economic and political behavior. It combines principles of statistics, economics, and political science to extract insights from data and inform policymaking. The discipline encompasses various topics, including election analysis, public opinion polling, income inequality, macroeconomic policy, and trade agreements, and focuses on identifying causal relationships between variables through careful experimental design and analysis. |
4 |
Горна М. О. |
Завантажити |
10 |
Strategic Management (Стратегічне управління) (Блок 3) |
Strategic Management is an integrative and interdisciplinary course that introduces the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. It is concerned with managerial decisions and actions that affect the performance and survival of business enterprises. In studying strategy, the course draws together and builds on all the ideas, concepts, and theories, examining how policies in each functional area (Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior) are integrated into an overall competitive strategy. The course is focused on the information, analyses, organizational processes, and skills managers must use to devise strategies, position their businesses, define firm boundaries and maximize long-term profits in the face of uncertainty and competition. It represent a broad view of the economic environment that includes buyers, suppliers, competitors, technology, capital markets, government, and global forces and views the external environment as dynamic and characterized by uncertainty. The course is designed to explore an organisation’s vision, mission, examine principles, techniques and models of organisational and environmental analysis, discuss the theory and practice of strategy formulation and implementation such as corporate governance and business ethics for the development of effective strategic leadership. |
4 |
Ситницький М. В. |
Завантажити |
Другий рік навчання |
І семестр |
№ |
Назва дисципліни |
Короткий опис |
Кредити |
Викладач |
Робоча програма |
1 |
Monetary Policy (Монетарна політика) |
The course gives a comprehensive overview of monetary policy regimes, monetary transmission mechanisms, and the role of monetary policy in macroeconomic stabilization. The course bridges the gap between theory, empirical evidence, and operational experience by illustrating the optimization problems and tradeoffs involved in monetary policy decisions. The learning process moves from lectures introducing the basic concepts to hands-on workshops. Case studies are used to reinforce participant understanding and to help them compare and assess a variety of experiences. The course recognizes the evolving nature of monetary frameworks and central bank mandates with attention to environmental, social and governance principles and recent crises that have dramatically changed the landscape in which central banks operate. Recent evolution of FinTech and digital currencies and implications to monetary policy are also discussed. |
4 |
Вірченко В.В. |
Завантажити |
2 |
Research Internship (Науково-дослідна практика) |
An internship is a specialized applied learning experience with an intentional and structured learning agenda, incorporated into pre-professional work activities in a way that mutually benefits the student-intern and the placement site. Student interns have gleaned, from their academic experiences, foundational knowledge and skills that they can contribute to the work setting. Internship placement sites provide students with a list of expectations, duties, and performance goals, along with consistent supervision with feedback about their performance.The aim of the internship is to prepare student to the writing of master thesis, to get acquainted with the organization of research work and to acquire practical skills and competencies in the field of research activities. |
6 |
Завантажити |
3 |
Master’s Thesis (Кваліфікаційна робота магістра) |
The preparation and defense of master’s thesis is the culminating experience in the Master’s Program in Economics and politics. Students will be motivated to work with a high level of self-motivation, exercise initiative and exhibit strong communication skills in working with advisor. On completion of the thesis students will be able to design and execute a meaningful research project that demonstrates knowledge and skills learned while in the Master`s Program, undertake the research process and be aware of research obligations and pitfalls. Defense of master’s thesis will help students to articulate research or project objectives clearly, situate research within an academic or scholarly context, state claims and evidence clearly, assess validity of claims, evidence,
outcomes, and results. |
9 |
Завантажити |
Дисципліни вільного вибору студента |
4 |
Development Economics: Theory and Policy (Теорія та політика економічного розвитку) (Блок 4) |
The goal of the course is to introduce the main issues of development economics. The course will help to understand factors affecting economic growth, inequality, poverty and to study policies governments can implement to change the growth path of their countries. This course reflects policy oriented approach to economic development of nations. The nature and experience of economic development over the past century are analyzed. Ways in which policy actions may affect outcomes and public wealth will be identified. The principal policy targets including growth, equity and stability are considered. Upon course completion, a student will be able to understand the main economic models and key indicators from which development policies are derived and offer a critique of underlying theories. |
4 |
Лопух К. В. |
Завантажити |
5 |
Sustainable Development Policy (Політика сталого розвитку) (Блок 4) |
The course explores the concepts of sustainable development at local, national and international scales. It examines the applications, indicators, measurement tools of sustainable development for analysis and decision making in support of environmentally sustainable development from a geographic perspective. Case studies and problem-solving exercises are used to stimulate learning and provide practical experience in addressing sustainable development issues. Upon course completion, a student will be able to uderstand and apply the science, technology, economics, and politics underlying the concepts of sustainability. The participation of diverse stakeholders will be addressed, including the roles of local communities, government agencies, the private sector, international governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations. |
4 |
Тюріна А.А. |
Завантажити |
6 |
Project Management (Управління проектами) (Блок 5) |
The course covers key components of project management including project integration, project scope management, project time and cost management, quality management, human resource considerations, communications, risk management, and procurement management. A discussion of the different types of projects, the project life cycle as well as the intricacies of defining and monitoring project resources through work breakdown structure is included. Popular project management software are introduced. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to apply different project management processes, tools and techniques from executing, monitoring and controlling, up to project closure to achieve optimum results through the use of limited resources and under critical time constraints. |
4 |
Приймак В. М. |
Завантажити |
7 |
Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy (Поведінкові засади державної політики) (Блок 5) |
The course is devoted to research of behavioral foundations of public policy-making and behavioral aspects of developing and implementing public policy in different spheres of social and economic relations. The course provides studying in practice of behavioral principles of intertemporal choice, choice under uncertainty, fairness and reciprocity. Course based on methodology of sociological experiments and psychological observation. Principles of mental accounting and role of visceral influences and loss-aversion in the process of economic decision making of market actors are investigated. |
4 |
Вірченко В.В. |
Завантажити |
8 |
Intergovernmental Transfer Relations (Міжурядові трансфертні відносини) (Блок 6) |
This course address the fundamental issues facing the country in the sphere of intergovernmental fiscal relations and decentralization reform. The course critically examines the changing structures and operations of government fiscal systems in developed and developing countries, with particular emphasis on the growing trend to strengthen subnational levels. Major topics covered include understanding broader national fiscal reform processes; determining an appropriate division of fiscal responsibilities among levels of government; evaluating major mechanisms for subnational government revenue mobilization; assessing the prospects and options for pursuing pragmatic and productive decentralization and intergovernmental fiscal reform. The course focuses on economic analysis, but attention is also given to political, institutional and cultural considerations that are critical for effective policy design and implementation. |
3 |
Слухай С. В. |
Завантажити |
9 |
International Management (Міжнародний менеджмент) (Блок 6) |
The course is designed to help students learn the fundamentals of international business strategies and cross-cultural management. The central objective of this course is to explore the unique opportunities and problems that confront international managers as they navigate the company through the extremely complex and ever-changing global economic, political, legal, technological and cultural environment. As a result of undertaking this study you will be better equipped to undertake an international career and to work within organizations with a culturally diverse workforce. The major areas and themes covered by this course are: nature and principles of international management; global strategic planning and how is it different from a domestic focus; national/regional culture and what is its impact on organizations; challenges of global communication and negotiations; multicultural work environments. |
3 |
Мурована Т. О. |
Завантажити |
Окрім вищеперерахованих курсів студенту надається можливість обрати Дисципліни вільного вибору, що викладаються в Університеті. З їхнім переліком можна ознайомитися за посиланням: Каталог дисциплін вільного вибору |