Сергій Литвиненко

Сергій Литвиненко– випускник першого набору ОП “Бізнес-адміністрування” (2012 – 2014). Бакалавр міжнародної економіки Міжнародного християнського університету.
Many things have come to my mind since the very first day I entered Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. In general, my overall impressions are quite positive concerning the educational process and the quality of information that I received during the 2-year period of the program. Here are some important points that I would like to mention practically at the very end of my studies:
• All of the professors and specialists that were giving our business administration group lectures are quite experienced professionals with concrete insights concerning their field of studies. For sure, there have always been issues relating to the practical experience of lecturers however, my personal conclusions about Taras Shevchenko National University were quite surprising, meaning that most of the university’s professors not only worked for a specific period in the field of business studies but also practiced mentoring and consultation to different commercial companies.
• Study materials and lecturers’ feedback were always quite informative that no doubt enriched my knowledge in some fields of business (such as business law, international marketing, brand management, strategic planning etc.).
• Real case studies that from time to time we analyzed during our lectures have always set a professional business atmosphere in the group.
• There was quite problem with the enormous amount of homework papers and projects that we had to finish during a short period of time however in my personal opinion this only confirmed the serious approach of the BA program – to educate a group of highly knowledgeable business professionals.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the Business Administration program that I’ve accepted to study in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv has increased my overall knowledge in different field of business. No doubt, the University has given me an unforgettable experience of being a pioneer in one of a kind European based MBA study program for Ukrainian students