Головна / Research / Aim and objective of the programme in 072 specialty: Finance, Banking and Insurance

Aim and objective of the programme in 072 specialty: Finance, Banking and Insurance

Education and research programme

in 072 specialty: Finance, Banking and Insurance

Aim and objective of the programme

The education and research programme in finance, banking and insurance is aimed at training highly qualified, competitive specialists integrated in the European and international research and academic environment who are to attain PhD in Management and Administration within 072 specialty: Finance, Banking and Insurance by successfully completing research and defending their PhD dissertations at the Specialized Academic Board. The degree holder are to be capable of independent research, organizational, academic and practical activity in economics, public administration and business, and teaching at higher education institutions.

The programme’s main objectives are:

– to form general and professional competencies sufficient for carrying out research in the area: Finance, Banking and Insurance, participation in collective research, teaching and academic management in the fields of finance, banking and insurance at the specific departments of the higher educational institutions;

– to provide conditions for the PhD students to carry out their independent research and prepare dissertations valuable for the priority areas of development of the modern national and world economics and meeting the established requirements for PhD dissertations in Management and Administration within 072 specialty: Finance, Banking and Insurance;

– to facilitate proper determination of the main stages and meaningful research tasks and consistency of their performance;

– to create conditions for PhD students to publish their interim and final research results in scientific journals and proceedings of research conferences;

– to provide PhD students with a systematic teaching practice at the Department and opportunities to master modern teaching methods and technology, participate in preparing and developing methodological materials ( syllabus, lecture notes, teaching complexes, teachers’ guides, tutorials, workshop manuals, etc), acquire skills of managing the Department’s academic and research activities at the Faculty of Economics and the University);

– to provide a qualitative intermediate monitoring of the PhD students’ research and academic performance and their compliance with the current requirements for dissertations;

– to create conditions for PhD students to prepare for the procedure of defending their dissertations at the Specialized Academic Board.