Головна / Кафедра маркетингу та бізнес адміністрування, Новини факультету / Вперше в Україні досліджено ризики, пов’язані з використанням в українських університетах штучного інтелекту типу ChatGPT

Вперше в Україні досліджено ризики, пов’язані з використанням в українських університетах штучного інтелекту типу ChatGPT

Члени кафедри маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування Старостіна А.О. та Дьоміна О.М. в рамках ГО «Об’єднання маркетологів України» провели дослідження ризиків, пов’язаних з використанням в українських університетах штучного інтелекту типу ChatGPT. В ході дослідження в червні 2023 р. було проведено опитування науково-педагогічних співробітників 30 українських університетів.

The NGO “Union of Marketers of Ukraine” prepared a detailed report on the risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT in Ukrainian universities. It contains the results of a survey of scientific and pedagogical staff of 30 Ukrainian universities conducted in June 2023.

The main topics of the report relate to:

  • the ability of artificial intelligence to influence the activities of university teachers and scientists in 2023-2024,
  • specific measures that can help manage the risks of using artificial intelligence in universities,
  • violations of academic integrity by students using artificial intelligence;
  • directions of use of artificial intelligence by teachers and scientists in their activities,
  • in relation to the use of artificial intelligence by the university community, university management and society.

Almost a third of respondents (32.31%) indicated that artificial intelligence will greatly affect their work at the university. The areas where the impact will be most positive are educational and methodological work (the balance of positive and negative responses on a 7-point Likert scale was 0.62) and work with applicants (0.61). According to respondents, the impact of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT will have the most negative impact on students’ scientific work (-0.81) and their educational activities (-0.63).

40 percent of respondents encountered violations of the principles of academic integrity by students personally or based on the experience of colleagues. The largest number of cases of such violations concerns exams and semester midterm control (52.63% of those interviewed who gave examples) and studies (42.11%).

The general conclusion of the research results can be summarized in the following sentence – artificial intelligence of the GPT type is a positive (15.4% of all respondents’ answers) tool (23.1%), the use of which needs to be learned (10.8%). This generalized position of the respondents fully corresponds to their views on the measures that, in their opinion, can help manage the risks of using artificial intelligence in the university environment to the greatest extent. Among them, the first months are occupied by the following – development of a policy regarding the use of artificial intelligence at the university (opinion of 80.0% of all respondents), training of students and teachers in the use of artificial intelligence (69.2%) and studying the experience of other higher education institutions in this area (46.2 %).

The NGO “Union of Marketers of Ukraine” strives to understand and reduce these risks in order to ensure the effective use of artificial intelligence in Ukrainian universities.


The full version of the report is available at the following link:
