Significance of analytical centers in times of crisis
On January 29, 2021, Razumkov Centre hosted a public discussion on the topic “Why think tanks matter in times of crisis”. During the discussion, the “World Rating of Analytical Centres – 2020”, prepared by the Program of Research of Analytical Centers and Civil Society at the University of Pennsylvania, was presented. The peculiarity of this Rating is that Razumkov Centre took first place among the analytical centres of Central and Eastern Europe. The following issues were discussed: 1) Why are think tanks important in times of crisis?: the Ukrainian experience; 2) “Coronary Crisis” and think tanks of Ukraine: tests, challenges, opportunities.
The event was attended by members of the Department of Finance: D.Sc., Prof. Z.Varnalii and Asst. Prof. A.Karpych.
D.Sc., Prof. Z.Varnalii, who is a visiting scientific consultant on economic issues of Razumkov Centre, participated directly in the public discussion. He congratulated the staff of Razumkov Centre with this high world recognition and commented on the role of analytical centres of Ukraine in times of crisis, as well as highlighted the importance of analytical research of high quality and reliable expert conclusions.