Marina Riccardi

Marina Riccardi– перша італійська випускниця ОП подвійного диплому “Бізнес-адміністрування” / “Global Politics & International Relations” (2017 – 2019). Бакалавр лінгвістики та міжкультурних комунікацій Università degli studi di Bari AldoMoro(Італія).

This Double Degree was one of the most valuable experiences I went through in my life, both academically and in terms of self-improvement. I have learnt a lot about principles of marketing and business, widening my mind and perspectives and sharpening my reasoning. It made me competitive on the labor market thanks to the notions and the soft skills I gained. The courses were intense and practical. Together with the abilities acquired during my bachelor’s degree in foreign languages and literatures (English and Russian), I feel now an all-round professional figure. Taras Shevchenko University gave me also the possibility to carry on my passion for the Russian Language and I got a B2 proficiency certificate.

In fact, three months after my graduation, I was hired in a private university in Rome in the administrative field as a students’ mobility assistant.

Life in Kyiv proved to be difficult at the beginning but full of challenges and stimuli. I have built a heterogeneous social network that made my experience even more beautiful. The city is charming and suggestive of its national history. It also offers entertainment and wonderful sights. During my stay, I also visited the lively Odessa, by the Black Sea and the picturesque L’viv. In all those cities I have left a piece of my heart.